A raw and unapologetic look into a police shooting, racism, and the connections they share. Without stating that we know the answers, but not being afraid to ask the direct questions.
\n \nA raw and unapologetic look into a police shooting, racism, and the connections they share. Without stating that we know the answers, but not being afraid to ask the direct questions.
Aceleasi poercarii despre cum sunt “exploatati” si “discriminati” saracii oameni de culoare, pe care le tot auzim decand infractorul ala din America a fost ucis de politie. Despre faptul ca era un drogat, traficant de droguri, violator si ca intrat cu forta in casa unei gravide ca sa o jefuiasca pentru bani de droguri, nu vorbeste nimeni, parca le spala cineva creierii. Ti se face scarba!