In 1943, Salvatore, a 13 years old young man living in Corleone, finds a bomb while working in the fields with his father. Salvatore’s father tries to get gunpowder for shells to sell to hunters and get something to supplement his meager salary as a laborer. The bomb explodes and kills him. Salvatore becomes the head of his family with whom he is forced to live in poverty.
Il revad cu aceeiasi placere . Numai italienii , pot face filme si seriale cu adevarat bune referitor la cosa nostra . Va multumesc pentru acest minunat serial !
Salut nu merge vreau e vad si eu toate sezoanele
Buna seara iar !
Nu exista niciun episod numarul 1 . Probabil nimeni nu a vrut sa vada acest serial ,. Insa eu as dorii sa-l vad . Multumesc !
Am rezolvat!