Donna calls Sam and Dean for help after her niece, Wendy, goes missing. The three hunters discover Wendy was kidnapped by a man who sells human parts to monsters in a grotesque online auction and race to save her before it is too late.
Donna calls Sam and Dean for help after her niece, Wendy, goes missing. The three hunters discover Wendy was kidnapped by a man who sells human parts to monsters in a grotesque online auction and race to save her before it is too late.
ati reusit sa stricati tot , se blocheaza tot timpul . era mai bine inainte
Nu am stricat noi nimic, cei de la Netu sunt de vina, noi nu avem ce face.
bro ai auzit de Netflix? “Dă pă guğăl” sau arunca un multumesc adminilor pt munca depusa. Totul e ok mie imi ruleaza perfect si sunt pe telefon si folosesc date mobile momentan.. intelegi ce vreau sa spun? . Verifica-ti telefonul / pc ul si conexiunea.
Am luat seria cap-coada. Vazusem doar 4 sezoane cand eram mai mic nu aveam idee ca serialul inca ruleaza. Multumesc pentru munca depusa ?